Today, I’m doing a reading for a Harlequin American Romance (TM) hero. Matt Lawrence takes a leading role in Barbara White Daille‘s sweet, contemporary romance Family Matters. I really enjoyed getting to know Matt and can’t wait to read his story. I think someone is leading him a merry chase.
From Barbara’s bio:
Originally from the East Coast, award-winning author Barbara White Daille now lives with her husband in the warm, sunny Southwest, where they love the dry heat and have taken up square dancing.
From the time she was a toddler, Barbara found herself fascinated by those things her mom called “books.” Once she learned the words between the covers held the magic of storytelling, she wanted to see her words in print so she could weave that spell for others.
Now let’s visit with Matt to find out what he thinks of his reading.
1. How do you see the people around you?
You have a fairly optimistic outlook in that you think others around you have gotten what they wished for. You know that your heart’s desire is possible because you see others who have achieved similar goals.
I think you may be a bit worried that your own heart’s desire won’t happen soon enough. There’s a fear that the happiness and dreams come true you see for others won’t happen for you in time. There’s a sense of urgency here that you seem to have.
Matt’s Response:
You’re right about the sense of urgency, though it doesn’t concern my private life. It revolves around my career.
Every day, as an attorney, my goal is to go to battle for my clients—and win.
Once I’m done fighting that good fight, I’d like to believe there will be a happy ending waiting for me down the road. But, unfortunately, those dreams are on hold for now. And maybe out of reach for me forever.
2. How are you seen by the people around you?
Your friends see you as a passionate, fun guy. They worry that you are not watching where you are going though. Perhaps they’ve seen you get burned in too many bad relationships.
Your friends want you to turn around so that you can see where you’re going. And maybe there is someone behind you that you need to look at again?
Matt’s Response:
If I’m passionate about anything right now, it’s supporting my clients by doing what I do best—seeing all sides of a situation in order to put myself into the minds of a judge and jury.
I don’t like looking back at anyone or anything. Life’s meant to be lived going forward, with no regrets. That’s what I do.
No matter what Kerry MacBride might say…
3. What is your most important goal?
Well, this ties in to the first card. The 10 of Pentacles/Coins is the card of home and hearth and happiness. You truly want a family. You want your own small group to take care of.
You are a nurturer at heart no matter how much you want to be seen as the playboy Knight of Wands, Matt. That underlying need is very strong.
I think maybe you should keep your eye out for a woman who is ready to create that family with you. Maybe she already has a child or is ready to be a mom to one you have? Not clear on this one.
Matt’s Response:
Yes, I want a wife and kids. Someday. When I’m ready. When I’ve won that fight I’d mentioned earlier.
But I certainly understand why your cards aren’t clear on the woman of my dreams.
The one woman currently in my life would be classified as my worst nightmare. She’s not so much ready to create a family with me as she is to involve me in the shenanigans surrounding her own crazy clan.
It would be madness for me to start any relationship at all with Kerry MacBride when I know that every single, eccentric, exasperating member of her family would come along for the ride.
4. Where do you get your strength from?
Another knight rides in but this one is the mental man. He is the one who analyzes and dissects things before reacting. If you have a brother/friend who fits this bill, there’s where you draw your strength from.
Or it could be that you know that you are strongest when you act rather than react. You know you need to focus on what is known so you can decipher what is not known.
This is also the classic White Knight guy. The one who charges in to save the day regardless of his own safety—is that you, Matt?
Matt’s Response:
All right, you’ve got me on this one.
Every attorney in the state has at one time or another commented on my tendency to ride in and save the day.
Yes, my strength is in going into action, in standing up for those who are unable to defend themselves.
Take the residents of Lakeside Village, for instance, a more unsuspecting and innocent group than you’ll ever find. How could I let all those people lose their life savings to a lowdown, conniving swindler?
5. Why do you want to be remembered?
As someone who healed others and made the world a safer place is how you want to be remembered. Note: Not a better place per se, but a safer one.
With all of these knights and savior cards, I would imagine that you are taking care of people on a daily basis.
You may not want to be a hero, but you are put in that role by the world.
Matt’s Response:
The cards definitely see through me here by revealing that I want to make the world a safer place. When I was growing up, life didn’t feel safe to me at all. That’s not something I like to think about. Yet it’s made me who I am.
Not a hero, that’s for sure.
But if people remember me for anything, I would like them to say this:
Who was Matt Lawrence? A man who knew his goal in life and kept striving until he’d accomplished it.
So go read an excerpt of this sweet contemporary. Then go .
You can win your choice of one of Barbara’s backlist books (THE SHERIFF’S SON or COURT ME, COWBOY). Here’s how. Pay attention because this is different from other contests I’ve done. Please leave a comment at the blog here AND send Barbara an e-mail via her Contact Barbara form at her web site ( by the end of today, October 8. In the comment and e-mail, tell Barbara which book you would like to receive if your name is drawn and why you’ve selected that book. Thanks!
By the way? Marilu Mann just released Needing Harte. It’s the lead book in a new BDSM series from some of your favorite EC authors. Keep your eyes out for more on the 1-800-DOM-help series. And big news! Changing Focus Lusting Wild 3 is now out in print.
Want to see other character readings? You can see them all here. Did you know I designed Tarot spreads to help writers with their own stories?
You can get a character reading for your own character (unpublished) for only $15 for the rest of October. If you are a published writer, you can email me to set up your free reading for a new release.
And don’t forget that I will be doing my full month NaNoWriMo Hero’s Journey Workshop to help you stay on track for your 50,000 word count goal. Have you signed up to take advantage of the Early Bird special pricing?