Musings on Radio Shows & 7 of Water

I was on the radio today with Dax, Mark and Janet of Tarot Today. Had a blast talking about the American Tarot Association, my Austin Tarot Meetup group and Tarot for Writers as well.

To celebrate that fun, I want to give away a reading. One commenter will win.

But there’s a catch. 🙂 You need to listen to the show and leave a comment or question about what we talked about. HA! No fair using the same question someone else posts either.

Today’s Gaian Tarot card is the 7 of Water. Six vessels are in the foreground. They all look handmade to me. The seventh is in the hand of the who is draining it dry. Behind him seven birds dash about in the sand and water seeking food I’m sure.

The colors of this card seem gray and dulled out as if nothing is important but the emotions that these cups represent to me. I had a bad night last night. Walked into a scent that triggered some really ugly, old memories. Caused a bump for Romeo and I which we successfully negotiated. Still I can’t help but see this card and wonder if I manifested my own 7 of Cups last night.

Too much emotions and getting overwhelmed by them. Let’s see what the book says, shall we?

Affirmation: I open my whole heart to my dream.

Ahhhh, this makes sense to me.

So have you ever felt overwhelmed by an emotional response to something now that you know was related to something in your past? How did you handle it?

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