Do you know about my free podcast? Every month I draw a card for each sign. I interpret it on my podcast. You can listen to that podcast here. Or you can go to iTunes where you can subscribe to this and download it each month.
Speaking of iTunes, thanks so much for the reviews and ratings. I need a few more for them to all show up for the public, but I’m really tickled with what I am seeing. Thank you for taking the time and caring to help me by doing that rating and review. I’d love to see my podcast up in the top ten (who wouldn’t, right?) so danke, darlings!
On a personal note, I’m going to be taking a vacation the first weekend of April so this blog will be a bit quiet for that time.
Remember if you want help with a sagging plot or characters who refuse to let you flesh them out, I offer consultations via Tarot specifically aimed at my fellow writers.