This morning’s card is the Ace of Fire. Interestingly, when I pulled the very first card from this deck, I got this card. It embodies a sense of curiosity even while it may cause some to shudder.The innate curiosity is seen in the inquisitive stare of the hatchling just emerging from it’s egg. Embryonic fluid oozes over the edge reminding me that this is still a very young energy. The fact that it is a snake may cause some phobics to want to avoid this card. As a huge fan of snake energy, I love this card. I love the idea of snake as this ace. If the Ace is the seed of this suit and this suit is about passion, then the young snake embodies for me the idea that passion isn’t yet known. It is sought though.
But there are nine eggs here with the very first one releasing its youngster out into the world. A fire curls up in the back seeming to advance on the eggs. I have to wonder if our snakeling’s siblings aren’t in grave danger if they too don’t hatch and slither away. They all need to manifest the energy and desire to break through their leathery casing to find freedom.
Snake, for me, is a spirit animal. There is an amazing power in this creature who can shed its skin time and time again yet never die. I can’t tell what kind of snake this one is but I imagine it to be a non-venomous one given the slim line of the head. The eyes are mesmerizing. I want to crawl on my belly behind this new pair of eyes to see what it sees. I want to taste the world on my tongue in all its newness. Imagine the adventure this baby is about to embark upon–if someone’s fear doesn’t kill him.
While doing research on dragonflies, I came across an Appalachian folklore that tagged the dragonfly as “Snake Darner”. The idea was that if you killed a dragonfly, the snake they protected would come after you. You can read more about my exploration of dragonflies here.
The book says: “You are beginning a transformation of some type, and quite possibly a healing as well.”
The affirmation for this card is “I am ablaze with creativity and passion.”
SOURCE: Gaian Tarot: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves by Joanna Powell Colbert
Ace of Fire (copyright to Joanna Powell Colbert) Visit the Gaian Tarot site.
I am getting to the stage where I might have to do away with someone to get my paws on their Gaian Tarot deck 🙂
Any chance you could load up the image so that we poverty-stricken fans of Joanna’s work can see the image?
Great posting – love your insights!
Grin. I did mine on a payment plan. It was MINE MINE MINE from the moment I saw the Majors years ago. Alix, if you go to you can see the cards there.
I’ve never heard of this deck, but wow, is it ever lovely. I’m particularly drawn to the Ace of Earth card.
That Ace of Fire card is a beautiful. Makes me think of beginnings, change in it’s early stages, and personal transformation.
The fire (passion) possibly warms the eggs and encourages them to hatch. We see just the one egg hatching, and a snake (transformation) emerging. Very, very lovely.
I’m going to have to pick up this deck and give it a try.
.-= Cora Zane´s last blog ..Happy St. Patrick’s Day =-.
Cora, it’s a gorgeous deck. I like your take on the fire warming and encouraging.
I think this is a creepy looking card, to be honest, especially for the Ace of Wands. (And I like little snakes! Always visit them at the pet store…)
I don’t find it creepy at all. I really love the direct gaze of the baby snake. So intense.
The snake made me think of the mythical salamander, which was made of fire…