Welcome to the Summer Tarot Blog Hop 2019. Today is the Summer Solstice. Happy longest day of the year to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Happy shortest day to those of you down under! I wonder if we are up yonder if y’all are down under. But I digress.
I gave the bloggers this challenge. ” Timing is a big thing in divination. There are many thoughts around how to do it as well as opinions on whether or not to do timing. So this solstice, I am challenging you to tackle timing. “
I am going to offer you a spread called But When. Typically I read for folks who understand that I don’t do timing very much. Even so, there are those who need to know the timing for things. If I’m looking to see when I need to launch something or what’s an auspicious time for a thing I want to do, I turn to astrology. By that I mean I ask my astrologer! One of my favorite business tools is the AstroBiz Digest by Theresa Reed. For personal astrology I go to Julia Waters. And for day-to-day, I use my Metaphysician’s Day Planner. But I don’t use it much in the way of my Tarot readings.
The one thing I do use as timing is the seasons. They are a broad enough category that I feel comfortable using them. This spread drills my season timing (which is very fast and loose) down to something more useful for specific timing.
Drill down is the key here. This spread asks a When question, then drills down.
I am going to ask about a specific thing that I want to know WHEN on. It’s a very mundane thing, but pricey. I want to know when the best time to will be to switch over to central a/c with a humidifier and furnace.
BUT WHEN Timing Spread
The first thing I do is ask the question while shuffling. I focus on the idea of timing. I am using the Herbcrafters Tarot for this.
When is the best time FINANCIALLY (that’s an important qualifier) to make the move to the whole house enviromental system?
The World (Pachamama) is the card I drew. For me, this makes me think of the fullness of the year, of fall. When abundance is proven in the harvests we bring in.
So with Fall as my answer, I ask which month is best? September, October, November, or December? Fall is from 21 Sept to 21 December so I will lay four cards from the deck I just shuffled. I am looking first for Earth cards as they are the money suit. If there are no Earth, then I will look for other messages.
September is the 7 of Earth. I don’t see this as a great month because this is a card of pause and reflection.
October is the 2 of Earth. Here is a choice card so I might want to get some bids now.
November is the 10 of Fire. That’s a no for me as this is about taking on too much.
December is the Madre (Queen) of Earth. I would say that’s a good month to look into getting the system.
If I wanted to get more specific, I would choose four more cards for each week of December (or five if there are five weeks.)
I am not that concerned today June 20 about December 2019 so I won’t drill down more.
But for timing, this is one way you might want to tackle the issue.
Please remember to leave a comment on each of the blogs as you hop through.
Oh, the winner of the deck giveaway from the last hop is Sheila Englehart. Please use the Contact Me button to send me your address so I can get your deck out to you.
Great timing spread with a clear answer! I’ll bet those systems are on sale that time of year as well, making you a smug Queen of Pents!
I hope so. 😀
I’m not a huge fan of time, I tend to be more on the look out for sign posts; so I will always make a point of saying to a client or myself, watch out for this event or this situation as it will act a guide for when the current situation or question is coming to the end of its cycle.
I do like this idea for the spread, its an easier one to work with than a clock-face / astrological spread.
The astrological spread is just SO BIG. I don’t have the space for it. LOL Unless I shove all the animals and the husband unit off the bed!
Love how you break down each card and why you’re reading it the way you do. Yup, this is very much my method as well. And it works!
I laughed when I read yours because it really was like you were in my brain or I was in yours. 😀
Finally making it all the way around the hop…I love this spread! This method will be a huge help to me when I encounter those pesky clients who do insist on asking me timing questions… 🙂