Decks By Arwen

Here are the decks I have authored. I am not the artist of any of these decks. Trust me, you don’t want that. ๐Ÿ˜€

  1. Joie de Vivre Tarot (I did not write this but the spread in the book is mine. ๐Ÿ˜€ ) by Paulina Cassidy
  2. Fairy Tale Lenormand with Lisa Hunt
  3. Secrets of the Mystic Grove with Mary Alayne Thomas
  4. Elle Qui Oracle with Melanie Delon
  5. The Gift of Tarot Pack using the Radiant Rider Waite Smith Tarot
  6. Practical Tarot Wisdom using the Radiant Rider Waite Smith Tarot Great beginner deck!
  7. Bianco Nero Tarot co-authored with artist Marco Proietto
  8. The Field Guide to Garden Dragons with Stanley Morrison
  9. ??? coming 2021
  10. ??? coming 2021

Books By Arwen

  1. Mapping the Hero’s Journey: 33 Days To Finish Your Book
  2. Fairy Tale Spreads

Decks for sale

These are decks I have for sale. Some of them are my decks and you can request that they be autographed by me.


Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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