
Here are my stones for sale. All stones are cleansed by me but not charged. If you would like them charged, please indicate that in the PayPal notes area. I do not charge extra for charging. When I charge, I am charging for the purpose of the stone’s energy to sync with your energy. You can see larger (okay, freaking HUGE) images by clicking on the thumbnail.

Chevron Amethyst Obelisk
Chevron Amethyst Obelisk
Both of these are 3" in height. The coloration is stunning in both. Please allow me to pick for you. Each piece is cleansed and can be charged at your request. Amethyst is known as the drunkard's stone and is said to prevent alcohol addiction. It is also known to ward off nightmares.
Available Qty: 2
Price: $33.00
Rose Quartz Spheres
Rose Quartz Spheres
These rose quartz spheres come with stands. The spheres are about 1" in diameter. Some are very light in color. Please allow me to choose one for you. They are cleansed and can be charged.
Available Qty: 10
Price: $7.50
Labradorite Obelisks (Unpolished) Large
Labradorite Obelisks (Unpolished) Large
These are unpolished Labradorite obelisks. Each one is three inches high minimum. The Chihuahua statue is 2.5" high. You can see fire and flash in these when held in light but it is not as evident as it might be in a highly polished piece. Please allow me to choose one for you. Each is cleansed and can be charged by request.
Available Qty: 4
Price: $22.00
Unakite Obelisk
Unakite Obelisk
Eight Unakite Obelisk. For me, Unakite is a stone of the heart chakra (pink and green.) I use it for balancing heart energy so my emotions are kept in check. It is also called Orange Flower Stone. Please allow me to choose for you. The Chihuahua statue is about 2.5" tall. All stones are cleansed and can be charged upon request.
Available Qty: 8
Price: $13.00
Golden (Brown) Tiger's Eye Spheres
Golden (Brown) Tiger's Eye Spheres
Six Tiger's Eye Spheres. These are really pretty in terms of OOOOH shiny! Please allow me to choose one for you. I will charge it if you request it. They are cleansed.
Available Qty: 5
Price: $13.00
Lapis Lazuli Spheres
Lapis Lazuli Spheres
Lapis Lazuli Spheres. All are cleansed. I will charge yours if you like. Just let me know when you purchase. Please allow me to choose for you.
Available Qty: 8
Price: $13.00
Red Tiger Eye Sphere
Red Tiger Eye Sphere
Three polished red tiger eye spheres. Please allow me to choose for you. These have been cleansed but not charged. If you have a specific charging request, just let me know in the notes. The largest is just under 1" (one inch) in diameter. They have a lovely chatoyancy to them.
Available Qty: 3
Price: $15.00

Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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