Tarotscopes May 31-June 6, 2015

The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck 24 Owl
The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck 24 Owl
The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. What’s your week got in store for you? I recommend reading your Sun, Moon and Rising signs together each week. Don’t know what yours are? Head to Astro.com where you can run your chart for free.

[Tweet “Time to read my Tarotscope for the week. What’s yours say?”]

Ready to recalibrate your joy journey? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. What’s holding you back?

Rachel Pollack is a well-known name in the Tarot world. Recently she was diagnosed with lymphoma. The prognosis is good but her ability to work has been severely curtailed. Can you give her a hand? Spread the word too.

Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an journey.

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Seek peace in solitude. Open up the the quiet of your own soul. This week [/inlinetweet]the Owl is your guide. Listen more than you speak to gain wisdom you need. Guard your privacy zealously as well. Not all need to be welcome in your nest this week. Share yourself with those treasured few. OWL from The Winged Enchantment Oracle by Lisa Hunt and Lesley Morrison. (I highly recommend this deck for both the gorgeous artwork and the evocative descriptions.)

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you need to open up to? What ideas are ready to be [/inlinetweet]sent out into the world. Don’t over-analyze this. Just go with what first comes to mind. This week brings you opportunities for growth in areas that require your mind to be engaged. Emotions won’t play as big a role this week as analytical thought. (ACE OF AIR)

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What needs your passion? What things in your life lie waiting for you to [/inlinetweet]get started again? Work to make things happen in your life. Understand that you are going to have to be a MAD multi-tasker to get it all done. Delegation isn’t a bad idea either. You are not the boss of the world. Stop trying to be the caretaker of the world. (SEVEN OF FIRE)

Gaian Tarot Five of Earth
Gaian Tarot

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What shelters you? And, more importantly, who shelters you? This [/inlinetweet]will be a very important question this week. Might want to write it down. Do some journaling about it. Then revisit at the end of the week. Home may not be what or where or even who you think it is. Shelter. That’s your topic this week, Aries. Check those boundaries. (FIVE OF EARTH)

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is out of balance, darling Bulls? Where are you giving more than you are [/inlinetweet]getting? Time to remind those in your life of what you need. Your precious calm is going to be threatened by those who want to take more than they give. Stop letting them. Even family members must be reminded of your lines. Draw them again–this time in cement. (TEMPERANCE)

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where are you heading? Might be a good time to also check on who’s driving that [/inlinetweet]hand-basket. If you are careening towards crazy, ask yourself this, “Who am I letting drive?” Often the path to crazy is taken when we take a backseat in our own lives. Get in the front seat. Take the wheel. Time to correct your course, my dears. (CANOE aka CHARIOT)

Gaian Tarot Elder of Earth
Gaian Tarot

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How are those projects coming? Time to check those lists to see if [/inlinetweet]you are on track. Reassess what is most important. Nurture those things that bring you the most joy. You may want to explore letting some of those many projects rest or let someone else take charge. Do what brings you joy. Do what brings you joy. Do I need to say it again? (ELDER OF EARTH)

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who do you look to for advice? It’s a good week to pick up the phone to just [/inlinetweet]do a check-in. That adviser who helps you analyze things is the best one. The emotional adviser may not see the whole picture. Go to that person who may be sharp-tongued but loves you regardless. There’s the answer you are looking for. (GUARDIAN OF AIR)

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What questions still lie unanswered? Dig out your old journals to compare [/inlinetweet]them to your current ones. See what questions you were asking then. You may be going over old ground right now. This week calls for some solo exploration so don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying no to group events. This is more about you than anyone else. (HERMIT)

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you tied to? What is holding you back? Here you have to explore [/inlinetweet]old things that keep you from growing. Time to shed your world of those who tie you to an unhappy time. There is nothing that says you must keep people in your life when all they do is tempt you to give in to your darker self. Let go. (BINDWEED aka THE DEVIL)

Gaian Tarot Two of Fire
Gaian Tarot

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where is that spark, precious? Who are you setting your sights on for [/inlinetweet]passion and play? Don’t let them go through life without knowing how you feel. Who knows…they may return that heat. Things could get fiery if you play your cards right. RAWRRRR! (TWO OF FIRE)

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What rabbit hole are you trying to fall in? This week may bring more [/inlinetweet]second-guessing, anxiety and bad dreams than you like if you don’t remember this one thing. You are loved. You are safe. You are special. Don’t allow your own self-doubt to trip you up. No need to chase your tail over what’s gone. Focus on what you have. (NINE OF AIR)

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]Who is your tribe? Maybe your tribe isn’t all in your neighborhood. Still [/inlinetweet]you need to reach out to them. Connect. Make plans to celebrate why you are a tribe. Don’t let time go by without seeing those you love. This is a good week to connect to those who get you on a cellular level. Find your tribe, darling. (SIX OF AIR)

I hope you’ve enjoyed these. I’d love to hear from you if you find these useful. Just leave me a comment if you will. And thanks so much for sharing these via Facebook, G+, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. I love stumbling across what you’ve shared. Seek joy, y’all. Just seek joy.

If you love my message of Seek joy, y’all, get yourself a reminder from my store. Have a great week!

Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Card of the Week from The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck, Lisa Hunt & Lesley Morrison

Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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