Affirmations, Tangles & Curses

Zentangle Mandala
Zentangle Mandala
Zentangle Mandala by Arwen

#affirmation Today I celebrate who I am no matter where I am.

I did this Zentangle in 2012. It was part of a challenge on a blog (Bright Owl‘s if I remember correctly.) Today I decided I would use a picture I’d already used so I spent some time this morning looking through past pictures. Nearly made myself late for work, lol.

The thing that struck me about this picture this morning was that it looks like many heads all striking off in different directions. And I realized that no matter where I go, I will always be who I am.

That’s a gift and a curse, right? The curse is that I can’t change who I am fundamentally so I must accept all of me. The gift is that I can’t change who I am fundamentally so I must accept all of me.

I know, right?

The better me, my better life, my fulfilling my purpose? All of that is already inside of me. Been there all along. I just had to learn how to identify my seeds and eradicate my weeds–or repurpose my weeds.

[Tweet “Wherever I go, there I am. Someone said that already, I’m sure. But it’s a truth I wanted to share with you today.”]

Where you go, there you are. And I’ll be right there with you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Zentangle Mandala by Arwen Lynch (pattern by BrightOwl)

Here’s more about my passion for tangling.

Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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