#affirmation I’d like to chat with you today about generosity. It’s a concept that many of us are very comfortable with—from one side. It’s hard to be on the other side though. And that’s what this card, the Six of Coins is about.
There are many ways that this card is portrayed. One of my personal favorites is this one from Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Tarot (OOP/hard to find). You can, I think, still get limited edition copies from Joanna at http://www.gaiantarot.com.
[Tweet “What lessons do we learn in receiving? How has your life been changed?”]
We are all in the know on how to be kind to others. How to be generous of self, spirit, time and even money. It is a definite feel-good to help another out. Think about how much joy you get from saving an animal or helping a friend or stranger.
Now put yourself in the position of that friend or even that stranger. Imagine what it must have taken to ask or just to stand there silently on a corner waiting for someone to roll a window down and hand you a quarter.
Could you smile and say thank you?
In my life as a writer, I’ve been showered with so much generosity. So many authors who have taught free or discounted courses. Who have volunteered their time at conferences to lead workshops. Who have answered questions on writers email lists without ever expecting to be paid or compensated in any way.
One of those is Colleen Gleason. I first read her book “And The Rest Falls Away” when it came out. I didn’t know her then. I simply saw a gorgeous cover with an evocative title. When I read it was a vampire novel set in Regency England? Oh yeah, had to have it.
And it was that good.
The book turns a lot of “romance musts” on their ears so be prepared.
Colleen also has a Facebook discussion group for Gardella fans.
I wanted to say thank you to Colleen who, as a New York Times Bestselling author, doesn’t have to say boo to those of us not in that hallowed membership. She’s always been truly gracious, not to mention fricking funny. I guess you can say I’m a fan–grrrl. 😀
Just know that the book is only on sale a few days this week so don’t delay. You know your Kindle wants it.
Today’s affirmation:
I accept what is given to me. I honor both the giver and the gift. I remember that sharing what I have is an honor. I am blessed beyond measure. I give thanks for the pleasure of being alive. Loved and loving, I love each of you.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Six of Earth, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert
Well, there was no offer on for uk kindle books, but it sounded too good to miss, anyway. Still, though I may not have received the discount, I value having received the recommendation 🙂