The June 2009 Tarotscopes podcast is now available. Who was this month’s “IT” kid? Who has to stop wallowing and ask for help? Who needs to stop and enjoy what they have? Who needs to share their love of “ooh shiny” with others? It might be you! Check out the podcast to find out.
Here are the cards for each sign. For the interpretations, you will just have to listen to the podcast.
I really enjoy your podcasts each month. Your lively energy and use of different decks makes it fun and enlightening to hear what the next month will bring. Thank you!
Freddy, thank you! I really appreciate that. How was last month’s for you? 🙂
I love listening to your podcasts. This month made me very happy, because it finally seems like things just might get a little better in my world.
Shana-Marie´s last blog post..what to blog about?
I will keep you in my heart, honey. You keep calling the good and seeking the joy!
Arwen, I love listening to your podcasts and it seems this month will bring a lot of things into play as part of the temperance card.
Aloni, always nice to see you. How was last month’s podcast for you overall? 🙂 Good luck with that Temperance for this month!
Oh dear 5 of coins month! 🙁 Some good advice there Arwen!
I often like to see the 5 coins as an indication that one has not been paying attention to the need to change – so I will try to be aware this month of where change is needed, whether it be a physical thing or a need to change one’s perception. – Not being afraid to make the change for fear of loosing what you already have is also an element of the 5 coins – I shall bear all this in mind.
Another great forcast Arwen thanks!
Helen´s last blog post..JUDGMENT
I love Tarotscopes! I love to listen each month. Usually they help me to get off my butt and do something. Thanks!
Arwen loved the TarotScopes. Being this months IT sign is both exhilarating and terrifying. So I will finish my book this month and finish getting my new business up and running . . . with a little help from my friends.
Your reading answered exactly what was on my mind. Funny thing is you addressed more of my concerns through the TarotScopes pulls of my Moon and Rising Signs.
You’re VERY GOOD. But most people already know that.
I shall put my dancing shoes on.
I will be visiting you frequently.
Great card nine coins.
Told me what I needed to hear.
Saw your post on Comparative Tart Group and enjoyed your podcast. I like the images in this deck. Two of Cups for me this month. I’ll have to stop back next month to take a look and a listen!
What a wonderful find. I really enjoy your interpretations of various cards. Learning the association between rules and The Hierophant is enlightening, and I’ll probably meditate on that for awhile, because I just wrote about that card and I reinterpreted the figure as someone who turns over every stone and every leaf to find answers — I view The Hierophant as a teacher and I suppose I see The Emperor as the fellow who is more grounded in order and rules.
Very interesting!
And I have been in a bit of a five of pentacles state this month, it’s true. But as long as you keep pursuing your own dreams, and as long as you have someone inside that door, it feels very easy to stand up and knock on that door. Everyone can use a reminder that it is GOOD to ask for help. Thank you for this positive message.