[Tweet “Notice how I did that? Manage what I can’t control. You may giggle now.”]
Stress, it is a killer. Or so says Bartok in the animated “Anastasia” film. Right now I am working hard to manage some stress that I can’t control. Notice how I did that? Manage what I can’t control. You may giggle now.
But managing my reaction to that stress? That I can do. I’ve got some great tools that I’m not using. My Zentangles? I keep picking up my pens then realizing that this or that or this other thing need doing.
One thing I do have access to is the companionship of my pets. Or am I their pet? Sometimes it is hard to tell. I can’t sit down without having at least one of them near me. Right now I’m at my dining room table with my eldest cat curled up in the chair next to me. His sister is sleeping on the window sill. They’ve both had a very rough morning of bird watching. Tough life.

The dogs wait for me to sit on the couch. Then the Basenji wedges her butt against me while the Chiweenie worms his way between me and the arm of the couch. No matter if I am curled up in the corner. He will have his way.

Today’s card is from the charming Cat’s Eye Tarot by Deb Givin, DVM. Here two black and white cats wind around one another. It reminds me that even when I am tripping over my fifteen pound Maine Coon, I’m only doing that because he loves me so much.
We’ve all heard about pets being great stress relievers. They are. Even when I am whining that I don’t particularly WANT to go for a walk, I always feel better after that walk.
What pets do you have? I’d love to hear about them.
Today’s affirmation:
I am relaxed. I am calm. I manage my response to the stresses of my life. I breathe in. I breathe out. I am enough. I am a beautiful, strong, woman. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Two of Cups, Cat’s Eye Tarot, U.S. Games Systems Inc.
Three dogs and two birds at the moment. That number could change in a heartbeat.
I used to live with nearly 100 birds. What do you have?
Beautiful. Like you, I have received so much from various animals over the years. The horses who didn’t care how many exams I had passed or whether I was married or divorced, the cat who hunted and caught everything she could but let our hamster walk across the carpet undisturbed when he escaped, and my beloved Alfie who thinks that I am the best person in the world. Except when my son is here when we are joint best people!
I love this post and deepened some learnings I had this weekend when I pulled the strength card from the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti and I was able to see was the leach around the lion’s neck. Obviously, to me, a signal to release and let go of the need to control what I can’t control. So this post is another synchronicity of the Universe conveying that message. Thanks for the lovely post as my pooch is sleeping on top of my feet.