The Joy Challenge: Day Four

When she hadn’t arrived by ten after, I began to get a bit annoyed. I mean, she’s just not the type of person to show up late without calling.

TJoyGreenMum_52014oday is Thursday so it’s day four of the seven day Joy Challenge. How are you doing? Are you finding small joys as well as large?

This Tuesday I had a situation that could have been a real source of irritation. I had plans to meet with a friend. We were going to have our own little tea and Tarot session.

So I showed up at the coffeehouse at 1 on the nose. When she hadn’t arrived by ten after, I began to get a bit annoyed. I mean, she’s just not the type of person to show up late without calling. And she’d texted me “see you soon” when I said I was looking forward to meeting her.

So where the hell was she? Wasn’t this our day for tea and Tarot?

Then it hit me. I’d suggested two places. She’d said sure to one of them.

Ahem. Not to the one I was at unfortunately. So I texted her that I would be right there as I hurriedly slurped my gazpacho and downed my coffee. Thank goodness I’d gotten it iced. 😀

When I got to where she was, I announced that it was a great day since I’d gotten to have time at BOTH my favorite places. LOL

So I chose to be happy for that rather than miffed at myself for being in the wrong place.

What have you chosen this week? Joy over miffed I hope.

Have you done your affirmation today? Remember! Look yourself in the eye in the mirror as you say, “I am a joy seeker. Joy finds me. I am a joy magnet.”

Seek joy, y’all.

Joy Chrysanthemum, Arwen Lynch, 2014

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