It’s day two of our week-long Joy Seeking challenge. It may still feel a bit silly to face yourself in the mirror, but do it anyway. You can do it in the morning, the afternoon, at night–it doesn’t matter when as long as you do it at least once a day.
Try singing it to yourself. I’m not much of a singer but I love to make up tunes.
Here is a quote from Charlotte Joko Beck. I took a snapshot of a page from “A Year of Living Mindfully” by Richard Fields. It’s a book that sits in my therapist’s waiting room.
Therapist? Did I just admit to seeing a therapist?
You ding-dang-dong betcha I did. I see here about once a month now. Used to be once a week and we’ve gradually shoved the times back a bit. I highly recommend it if you can find the right therapist for you.
One of the things I’ve learned with her is how to be more present and be more accepting of what is. So for today, just practice letting things be as they are.
And say to yourself in the mirror, “I am a joy seeker. Joy finds me. I am a joy magnet.”
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The Beck quote is from “A Year of Living Mindfully” which is a lovely little book. I hope you investigate it.