Today’s card reminds me that hula hoops are an important metaphor in my life. This goes back to something my sister told me. I can’t remember who told her but the saying goes like this.
I can only control what is in my own hula hoop.
So stand up. Now hold your arms out as if you were holding a hula hoop about yourself. Swing your arms to the front and back and to the sides. Get a feel for how much space that is.
You control everything inside that hula hoop area. It’s all yours. You are mistress or master of your domain. Anyone inside that circumference must bow to your wishes.
Anything outside of that circumference?
Repeat after me…not my circus, not my monekys.
If we all focused less on the trauma-drama of others, how much happier we would be. If we simply provided space to listen them and let go of trying to fix them, we could get to the real meat of our day.
Our own stuff.
Yep, it’s a really highly developed procrastination technique. The more I can worry about your shit, the less I have to work on my own.
[Tweet “So which will it be today? Useless worry or meaningful work? It’s your choice.”]
Today I focus on my own needs. Today I listen to others and let go of any misguided notion of fixing them. I am in charge of my own experience. I can only control what is in my own hula hoop. Loved and loving, I love each of you.
Ace of Pentacles, Crystal Visions Tarot, U.S. Games 2011
Just a big thank you and big hug for this post!
I am going to measure up my hoop space right now!