So today’s thought comes from wondering about my garden. I have a tiny patio garden going with tomatoes, peppers and basil. I was going to say herbs, but really, it’s just a heirloom basil out there.
Each plant is growing to the best of its ability. I was thinking how many projects I have going. Each of them is growing to the best of their ability as well.
I have a memorization project going on and, I’m proud to say, I’ve got them down almost pat. Repetition and a cool memorization technique learned from the fabulous Donnaleigh de La Rose helped there.
I also thought about how sometimes gardens and projects must be protected from the chill of winter or the lack of water or the harsh summer sun. Or the words that mimic those energies.
How often have you had something you were very excited about? You dreamed, plotted and planned. You develop what you think is an amazing idea then tell it to someone.
And that someone sees nothing but failure. Nothing but loss. Nothing but the myriad ways it could all go wrong.
“Someone’s already written that book.”
“Someone’s already taught that subject.”
“People will laugh at you.”
So many wintery words, drought-inducing thoughts and heated remarks can decimate your garden of dreams. And many of the people don’t even realize what they’ve done or what they are doing
I don’t blame them (generally speaking.) I blame our society. We’ve been taught to look for potholes and traps and enemies. We go through live expecting someone is out to get us. There’s even a funny catch phrase that goes, “Just because you think someone’s out to get you doesn’t mean they aren’t.”
[Twitter “Yeah. Always looking for the bad can’t be good.”]
So today I stay excited about my work. Today I am my own cheerleader, my own publicist and my own fan. Today I work to give birth to my passion, to my dreams, to my hopes. Today I believe in me. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Seven of Pentacles, Tarot of Trees, Dana Driscoll
P.S. Got a book you want to write? Need a hand? Try my 33 Day eCourse to finish that book.
As long as you belief in yourself, your garden has enough fertilizer to blossom abundantly. I love how you always encourage us to look at bright side of life so now I will give you a watering can filled with love an joy and lots of “You go girl” for your garden