Happy Mother’s Day to all those who see themselves in that role. This week looks pretty good for most with a few bumps along the way.
I’m asking for support for my writer self. How hot can you stand it? Thunderclap it with me! #LW4MM is coming.
This week’s deck is the Tarot of the Old Path. This was my primary reading deck when I worked the 1-900 lines. Oh yes I did! 😀
The King of Pentacles is our weekly message card. Should be a good week in the financial arena. May see some projects finally pay off.
[Tweet “I read my May 11-17 Tarotscopes from @tarobyarwen. Uh Oh!”]
- AQUARIUS KING OF SWORDS Someone challenges you to mental games. It’s all good. They like them as much as you do so play. Puzzles are solvable.
- PISCES TWO OF EARTH Money doesn’t need to be such a worry. Focus on balance instead. Yes, two jobs may be necessary. You’ve got the skills.
- ARIES KING OF RODS You must be the taskmaster of yourself. Stop slacking. Set timers if you must, but get things off your to-do list please.
- TAURUS CHARIOT Stop letting others drive. Go the way you know you must. Elemental work helps.Master your emotions for the win.
- GEMINI THREE OF SWORDS Focusing on pain increases it. Work to set your mind on happier tracks. Shit happens. You don’t have to keep wearing it.
- CANCER THE CLOSE You are challenged this week to close the door on people/things/places that no longer serve. Pain may come but peace is just beyond.
- LEO SEVEN OF RODS A good week for repairing boundaries. Passionate living can infringe on personal space. Take back what’s yours please.
- VIRGO THE HIGH PRIEST Knowledge is the key. Bow down to your own intellect. Connect to your spiritual guide. Engage with your inner self.
- LIBRA THE WISE ONE Let animals guide you. Learn from them. Walk the path that opens you up to more information. Not such a people person this week.
- SCORPIO THE STAR Time to reach for more. Time to write down that big goal. Time to learn what the baby steps are and take them. Time to shine.
- SAGITTARIUS TWO OF RODS It’s okay. You’ve got this. You can balance this week’s tightrope to succeed at work and home. Passion helps so LIVE.
- CAPRICORN FOUR OF PENTACLES I’m not saying be a miser, but this is not a great week to be a spendthrift. Hold on to your money. Save. Save. Save.
Remember: How hot can you stand it? Thunderclap it with me! #LW4MM is coming.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
King of Pentacles, Tarot of the Old Path, U.S. Games Systems Inc