Thanks for checking in. Here are your Tarotscopes for April 20-25, 2014.
If you are a writer or want to be one, I invite you to check out !
AQUARIUS JUDGMENT The next level is here. Things start to shift. May feel like shaky ground because you’re meant to fly. Rise up. Embrace it.
PISCES SEVEN OF AIR Stop asking for direction.The path/time are right.Commit to this journey.Look to where you want to be not where you were.
ARIES MOON Please double check your feelings. There could be some misinterpretations. Don’t react. Take time to investigate the whys.
TAURUS THE FOOL So, you want to do something the world says can’t be shouldn’t be done? Do it. You need to follow your dreams.
GEMINI ACE OF CUPS Dive into an existing relationship. Holding back only slows down the inevitable. Enjoy this. Allow the love to grow.
CANCER THREE OF AIR Journal practices heal your heart. Write it out instead of hanging on to the hurt. Let it go so you can begin to grow.
LEO FIVE OF EARTH If home isn’t where your heart is, give notice. Live where you are happy. Create space that nurtures you the way you need.
VIRGO HERMIT Good week for time out. Focus on studies. Focus on connections with nature. Be one with the Universe for the most growth.
LIBRA TWO OF AIR Decisions must be made. Listening to your self is best. Don’t delay this choice. Internal monologues just waste time.
SCORPIO NINE OF FIRE When is the last time you felt balanced? What keeps you from those practices that bring you inner peace? What must you do?
SAGITTARIUS NINE OF WATER When you stay open to the joy, more comes. Face your heart’s desire. Let it in. Stop asking if you deserve this. Of course you do!
CAPRICORN ELDER OF AIR Facts are king. Spiritual self needs time to soar. Yoga, meditation, time to think. You need to make time for this. Grow
READY TO FIND YOUR BLISS? Just need it get unstuck? I’ve got ten slots available this week. One question answered via email. Only $25. Want to be one of the ten? Email me!
Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert