Tarotscopes for 12/21-28/2013

Happy holidays from me to you, y’all. This can be a happy as well as stressful time so be gentle with yourself and others. Remember that we sometimes lash out because we hurt. Love yourself enough. Self-care is always important but even more so now.

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Tarotscopes for 12/21-28/2013

  • AQUARIUS ACE OF AIR Slice through the BS (yours and theirs). Judge? Sure but make sure you peel away all your filters first. Discernment is key.
  • PISCES AMAZON OF EARTH Move towards your better self. Forgive you for past mistakes. Set things up this week to grow. Travel may drag.
  • ARIES SIX OF WATER “Tis the gift to be simple, tis the gift to be free.” Simple gifts bring the greatest pleasures. Go back to old traditions.
  • TAURUS FOUR OF EARTH Sometimes the wisest thing to do is hold on to your resources. Don’t give it away. Others should have to work for it and you.
  • GEMINI SEVEN OF EARTH The hardest work is to strip your soul bare. Let them see why you work so hard. Go down into your personal depths.
  • CANCER FIVE OF WATER Weep for what’s lost. Then fill your heart up with what you have. Small joys can overcome great sorrows. Time to let go.
  • LEO THREE OF WATER Good week to celebrate the beauty of being you. Shake, twist and shout as you reconnect your inner wild child with her dancing shoes.
  • VIRGO WITCH OF EARTH Accept the sacrifices of others. Do the same in return. Compromise wins the day. Partnerships over sides is best.
  • LIBRA CHARIOT You may be pulled in several directions this week. Focus monkey mind on getting from M to F. Your attention is split by others.
  • SCORPIO EIGHT OF AIR Initiations are meant to be easy. You have to tear down your own walls to get past the boundaries. This is your hard work.
  • SAGITTARIUS TEN OF EARTH Community counts. Get involved. Give birth to projects that will enrich everyone’s world. Reach out to grow.
  • CAPRICORN TWO OF AIR Wisdom comes when you make a choice. Even the wrong choice teaches. Reflect on past lessons to make best choice now.

Today’s deck was the Dark Goddess Tarot. I highly recommend it.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

One thought on “Tarotscopes for 12/21-28/2013”

  1. How the heck did you have time to do this with everything else you’ve been doing??? Amazing. Well, “AQUARIUS ACE OF AIR Slice through the BS (yours and theirs). Judge? Sure but make sure you peel away all your filters first. Discernment is key.” is spot on.

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