Tasks, Gold + Akashic Records

Bindiya Aravandekar is my guest tonight on You Never Know. Set your alarms now so you don’t miss this one. Do watch the show at http://www.paraencountersnetwork.com/ Time:10:00pm EST.

Illuminati Tarot, Sun

Illuminati Tarot, SunToday’s card is a reminder to focus on what’s important. There are so many things in our daily lives that require attention. So many choices to make. But sometimes multi-tasking isn’t the way to go.

This Sun from the by Erik C. Dunne and Kim Huggens reminds me of that. See this opulent sun? Set in a mirror of gold, it really can’t be missed.

What things in your life can’t be missed? Time to make a list of what needs to be done. Then do it!

For me, that’s working on my workbook. I have been holding off starting because I want the time to be right. Since tonight is the first night of the Full Moon (I do Full Moon workings the day before, day of and day after), I will start tonight.

But first, I have to prepare my Yule Tarot Blog Hop post. Then I have to go to work. And then I get to chat with a very interesting woman tonight!

Bindiya Aravandekar is my guest tonight on You Never Know. Set your alarms now so you don’t miss this one. Do watch the show at http://www.paraencountersnetwork.com/ Time:10:00pm EST.

We will be talking about the Akashic Records. Bindiya will discuss how she works with Akashic Record Healing to coach her clients and the healing that it has brought about.

She says she’s a bit nervous so I do hope a lot of you will show up to support her. See you tonight!

One thing I learned from Leonie’s fab is the art of making a list of Most Important Tasks. Mine are simple. Each day walking 5000 steps and drinking 32 oz of water is on that list. Then I have a third one blank so I can add one more. And remember, if you get the workbook (the downloadable one), you get a free three card email reading from me. πŸ˜€

Sometimes that thing is “Smile at more people” or “compliment three strangers” or “focus on not responding to the bait”. Grin. I have to adjust it for me each day.

[Tweet “So your journal prompt is, “What are my three most important tasks today?”.”]

Sun, , Llewellyn, 2013

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

6 thoughts on “Tasks, Gold + Akashic Records”

  1. This post is a reminder for me to write in my journal more often. Since I’ve started blogging I haven’t done this a much as I would like.
    Jounaling is like breathing for me.
    Ps. I love making lists too πŸ˜€

  2. “What things in your life can’t be missed?” WOW what a powerful question!! Thank you. I’m working in my workbook this week too…making lists and setting goals and creating a plan to make 2014 full of bliss. And I love love love your question – and I love how you connected it to that fabulous Sun card. Perfect. Thank you! πŸ™‚

  3. No coincidence that I found this post today. I had been neglecting my most important tasks (which are always about me and my wellness) but I went back to my daily morning routine a couple of days ago. Oh, it makes such a difference! My MITs today are: *Do my yoga and meditation practice (checked) *Eat beautiful, healthy, real food.(have been neglecting that a bit as well) *Write!

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