Boundaries, Death + Poor Me

I often let my mouth write checks my ass couldn’t cash. That got me into a lot of hot water. I played the “poor me” card to lovers. I felt as if the world were out to get me.

deathToday’s card is my reminder that the harder the change, the greater the reward. I’ve been learning about boundaries and personal spaces this week. I’ve been learning when to keep my pie hole shut and when to speak up for myself and my values.

I have changed so much from that woman I used to be. I often let my mouth write checks my ass couldn’t cash. That got me into a lot of hot water. I played the “poor me” card to lovers. I felt as if the world were out to get me.

It took honest self-evaluation and hard freaking work to get to where I am now. I’m not perfect but I have forgiven myself (yes, I meant to do that. ;D ) I’ve moved down the path and followed the journey to myself.

And along the way? Change. Hard, personal as well as impersonal change.

It ain’t easy, kids. But I am committed to this path–this seeking joy–this avoiding the kerfufflers of life.

Journal prompt is, “What must change in order for me to grow?”

Death, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

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