Rock ‘n Roll + Gift Certificates

By letting your monkey mind have noise, your higher self can focus in on getting the messages out to you.

RockRollOracle_ListenToTheMusicDriftAwayToday’s card reminds me of last night’s show with the Rock ‘n’ Roll Oracle himself, David Rosenhaus. You can catch the archives here.

This card tells us to Listen To The Music. Letting yourself drift away on the sounds can free your mind up to do the hard work. By letting your monkey mind have noise, your higher self can focus in on getting the messages out to you.

What messages do you need to get out? What are you not listening to because you are on the wrong frequency? ๐Ÿ˜€

I know for me that writing is how I find out what I’m not listening to. These daily posts are a part of that work…that listening. That’s why they are sometimes a bit rambling or even disjointed. It’s because the frequency gets changed.

What I thought I was going to say gets transformed into something else. ๐Ÿ˜€

Your journal prompt for today is, “What do I need to hear?”

Oh! Don’t miss out on this huge giveaway. Among the fabulous prizes you can win are gift certificates and my . Go on! You know you want to win something. Click here to learn how to enter. It’s free.

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125x125-animatedSpeaking of free, I’m giving away three card readings to anyone who purchases this .

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enter the contest here. ๐Ÿ˜€

2 thoughts on “Rock ‘n Roll + Gift Certificates”

  1. Writing does this for me too. Sometimes I start to write and what comes up surprises me. Or I’ll end up writing about something entirely different which was probable more important for me to write down. Writing silences my mind noise. It makes my thinking linear, easier to follow

    1. Ellen, it is interesting to see where just writing leads us, isn’t it? I can write out solutions to problems that way as well.

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