Tarotscopes for November 24-30, 2013

Tarotscopes for November 24-30, 2013

Vanessa Tarot, Universe

Vanessa Tarot, UniverseWelcome to Tarotscopes for November 24-30, 2013. This is a mixed bag week and some of you need to work on thought patterns a little more intensely, please and thank you.

Did you miss last week’s You Never Know with Seressia? We discussed magical vajayjays. No really!

Tomorrow, 11/25, PA Minnell will be chatting with me about her Maori Oracle. We might even convince her to do a reading or two. It’s a rare opportunity for a peek into the Maori culture. This deck has amazed me every time I’ve worked with it. Join the show’s Facebook page to get the links and time.

My eCourse is winning some rave reviews. “The first few character-building days brought me a wealth of goodness right away” is just one lovely comment I’ve gotten. and take the course at your own pace.

  • AQUARIUS SIX OF COINS Generosity wins. Nature, spirit, soul–be loving and giving in all. Don’t expect a return. Let the giving be the reward.
  • PISCES SIX OF SWORDS Let someone help you. Ask to be guided away from sorrow towards joy. Your thoughts threaten to sink your ship. Seek joy, y’all.
  • ARIES KING OF SWORDS Follow your thoughts where they lead you. Then leap again. You have a brainstorm of AMAZING this week. Pay attention.
  • TAURUS THE HIEROPHANT Time to be the teacher. Time to remind them of the rules of school. Boundaries must be set more firmly. Yes, again.
  • GEMINI ACE OF SWORDS Time to be startin’ something. You better be startin’ something. What you put your mind to, succeeds. So do that, okay?
  • CANCER ACE OF CUPS Love comes your way. Open up to the possibilities. Deepen your relationships to find the missing meaning of life. Open.
  • LEO TEN OF SWORDS Your thoughts are your own worst enemy some days. Turn those sharp points down. No, don’t aim them at someone else. Sheesh!
  • VIRGO FOUR OF COINS A budget doesn’t mean denial. It means thoughtful choices that mean something. Spend what needs to be spent but only that.
  • LIBRA KNIGHT OF SWORDS Your thoughts are on overdrive. So many things to think about, dream about. Choose your battles wisely, padawan.Vanessa Tarot, Ace of Cups
  • SCORPIO SEVEN OF WANDS Defend your position with passion but don’t drive off your support team in the process. Stand that ground carefully.
  • SAGITTARIUS THE TOWER Not to worry, darlings. Your bumps will be minimized by your sheer awesomeness. Prepare for the unexpected to succeed.
  • CAPRICORN QUEEN OF WANDS Communicate effectively by showing rather than telling. You know…walk the talk. Super busy week. Expect multitasking as usual.

BONUS! Mary K. Greer’s Tarot For Yourself is the first book I recommend when someone wants to dive into Tarot. It’s available on Kindle. I just found out! I know…I’ve been sleeping again. Now I have her whenever I need her! Get your own today.

Today’s deck was the sassy Vanessa Tarot from U.S. Games Systems Inc. It’s always a party fave!

One thought on “Tarotscopes for November 24-30, 2013”

  1. Just one little thing, and I know a lot of people get it wrong: The title of Mary’s book is not *Tarot for Yourself*; it’s *Tarot for Your Self*. I think it might be some Jungian thing.

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