Today is a double post day! Come back at 2pm EST to see my post for the Mabon Tarot Blog Hop. I’ll be joining 20+ other bloggers to talk about the topic provided by Christiana Gaudet. But for now, enjoy this week’s tarotscopes. I used Animalis Os Fortuna by Zaheroux. This intriguing self-published deck features animals and bones.
And pay attention to the suits this week. See anything unusual?
- AQUARIUS DEVIL Old skeletons rattling around? Um…the keeper of that closet is you. Open the door. Shoo them out. DEAL WITH THEM DUSTY BONES.
- PISCES TEMPERANCE Deep dives into self bring peace. Balance noise with intense quiet. Celebrate a busy life by saying no to more. Even out.
- ARIES DEATH Caterpillar to butterfly. What happens in the cocoon to make that change? You, darling, are in the cocoon. So make the change.
- TAURUS EIGHT OF CUPS Life’s twists and turns brought you here. You don’t have to hold on to all the old hurts. Let them go if you would grow.
- GEMINI SEVEN OF CUPS Many choices can be overwhelming. Good news is all are good. Bad news? You must choose one if you would move forward.
- CANCER THE WORLD All things are suddenly possible. Open your door to allow them in. Expand your horizons by expanding your heart. Let it in.
- LEO SIX OF CUPS Old friends remind you of why you are here. Sometimes they remind you of why you are not there. 😀 Enjoy a little playtime.
- VIRGO JUDGMENT Examine your current situation. Time to rise up. Time to move beyond. Time to reach for the next level. Get moving.
- LIBRA CHARIOT Pace yourself. You need to focus on the path in front of you. Don’t be pulled astray. Don’t sacrifice forward movement.
- SCORPIO THE LOVERS When someone knows you inside and out, they don’t worry about the bumps. They are in it for the long haul. Are you?
- SAGITTARIUS THREE OF CUPS Find others like you. Celebrate passages completely. Don’t dwell so much. Move forward. The future calls.
- CAPRICORN TOWER What are you building? Make sure your high ground isn’t on quicksand. Check all details before committing this week please.
This is a reminder that there are only eight days left to join the Amazing Biz + Life Academy at the current price. It doubles 10/1. It’s worth that double but I hope you can join now so you can get it at the lower cost.