September 8 – September 14, 2013 Tarotscopes

Fradella Adventure Tarot image

Here are your Tarotscopes for the week of September 8 – September 14, 2013. And please join me tonight at 9pm on Christiana’s Psychic Cafe. We are going to talk…but the subject is open. Be afraid. Be very afraid. ๐Ÿ˜€ Here’s where to be at 9pm tonight Eastern! Be there to help Christiana make it through. ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh! Please don’t drink and listen. We can’t be held responsible for your monitors.

Fradella Adventure Tarot image
Click for larger
  • AQUARIUS KING OF STAVES Get into your head. Imagine as much as you like. You are the ideas guy this week. Others may be shocked, but who cares? Think out loud.
  • PISCES HIEROPHANT Do good for the sake of doing good. Your job is to break the bad rules and enforce the good ones. Lead by example please.
  • ARIES PAGE OF BLADES Put on a show. Demonstrate your agile thinking skills. Self-check on those addictions though. Time is here to step into the ring.
  • TAURUS WHEEL OF FORTUNE Take a chance. Let opportunity in. Open the door by opening your mind. Less “I’m not worthy” More “I rock”. YES!
  • GEMINI KING OF BLADES Logic must rule this week. Get brutally honest with yourself if you want to rule your head. Time to stop messing around.
  • CANCER NINE OF DISCS Celebrate what you have. Expect more. Stay open to paths of prosperity. Garden looks great. Plant future harvests now.
  • LEO QUEEN OF BLADES Baby, you rock the thinking game. Listen to hunches. Seek out the messengers. You are battle-ready so let them be warned.
  • VIRGO ACE OF STAVES Lift your torch high.Your passion for life leads the way. Expect others to follow + they will. Don’t look back. FORWARD!
  • LIBRA TEN OF STAVES As you take on more and more and more, you begin to feel trapped. Focus on only doing those things that make you passionate.
  • SCORPIO QUEEN OF MASKS A good week to uncover your deeper desires. Let your heart lead the way. Remember to be nurturing. Care-taking not recommended.
  • SAGITTARIUS FOUR OF BLADES Rest. Please rest. You are going to need the down time at the beginning of this week. Heed your body. Time out.
  • CAPRICORN EMPRESS Creative energies take over. Don’t be surprised if you feel a need to bake something. Give in to the need to indulge. It’s okay.

Are you ready for the Tarot Telesummit? I know I am. Get signed up so you don’t miss the talks you want to hear. Don’t have time to listen to them all? They are available for 48 hours after air. Or you can buy the whole lot to listen to when you like. Take the Spiritual Path to Tarot Telesummit with you. I’ll be talking about Judgment on October 2.

Thanks for sharing this post if you are so inclined. Have a super week!

Fradella Adventure Tarot, USGames, 2002 (out of print)

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

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