Judgy McJudgersons!

OracleTarot_20JudgmentToday’s card is a theme I’ve been working with lately. When I was asked to be a part of the Tarot Telesummit, I had to think about it before responding. It brought up some things I thought I’d put in the past.

Funny thing about things you put in the past. If you just put them there, they come back. That’s part of what this Judgment card points out. Our figure here is moving up the stairs. She’s let go so she can move on.

NOTE: She hasn’t let go for the good of her past hurts. No. She’s let go for the good of her future self.

Do you see how that is different?

Her next level is just ahead because she’s moving away from what held her back.

In my talk about Judgment, I said one thing several times.

The Universe is not setting you up to fail.

Oh, I said a lot of other things in the hour long interview which included a meditation. But I wanted you to know this today. The Universe is not setting you up to fail, my darlings.

The Universe wants you to transcend.

Your journal prompt for today is, “How do I judge myself?”

Judgment, Oracle Tarot, Lucy Cavendish

http://www.mcssl.com/app/?Clk=5100605 is my link for the Tarot Telesummit. Sign up. It’s free. If you want your own set of the talks, it’s $27 (or you can listen for free day of and 48 hrs after). You will see a lot of us sharing this link. I get a kickback if you sign up for the paid version. I like you to know that stuff!

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