This month I am offering a new reading for my podcast listeners. You can get your own personalized six month Tarotscope for $75. This will include three cards per month based on your Sun/Rising/Moon signs. The emphasis will be a personal, in-depth look for you and you only.
If you love these monthly tarotscopes, I invite you to try out a six month personalized Tarotscope reading. If you tell me you are one of my Tarotscope listeners, I will include a Universal message card for you at no extra cost.
Also, Changing Times by Marilu Mann is now available in print.
And listen closely to the podcast. I might be giving away a free reading to one person. Good luck!
Do tune in on Sunday March 1 to hear me talk Tarot and do free readings with Raven and George from 1pm EST until 2 pm EST!
March 2009 Podcast here
Only click the following link if you have iTunes installed on your computer. You can subscribe via iTunes too.
Sorry for the extra link. Got too confusing to track subscribers.
I will be working on getting the images up but that will be a few days.
Hi Arwen:
I really enjoyed listening to you on Tarot Talk with Raven and George. Your warmth and wisdom emanated through your thoughtful and sincere responses. You’re a gifted reader and a fascinating person. Thank you for being such an inspiring presence in the tarot community and beyond!
Lisa Hunt´s last blog post..Being the Fool and all the tricksters along the way…
Thank you so much, Lisa! What a lovely way to start a Monday. 🙂
So February had me starting a few creative projects… nothing that I’m anywhere near finishing, and sort of have to push myself to kee moving forward on… but creativity all the same.
This month is interesting. I’m not sure what more could come down around me… save for my cloak of pessimism. I’ll have to get back to you on this one…
Shana-Marie´s last blog post..The tower
Hang in there, Shana! Remember that expecting trouble is like whistling for the dog. Both will come! Positive attracts positive.
I subscribed to your podcasts on iTunes, Arwen and they’re great!
Thank you! How are Fluff and Puff doing?
Fluff and Puff are in a snit since Horace is getting more attention now, but they’ll have their day soon.
Well Arwen it’s my birthdy on Saturday 7th, and what a nice forecast you gave for this month. The star, just great! You are right about letting oneself shine, perhaps it is now time to acknowledge myself and my abilities more and share them freely with others.
Thanks for such an optimistic month!
Helen´s last blog post..An Interview with My Napo Tarot Deck
Well I love Fluff and Puff best.
They have bite. Hee
Oh Helen! I am turning 48 on Sunday so happy birthday, fellow Pisces. 🙂
Well Happy Birthday to you too Arwen! 🙂 and hows this for coincidence I’m turning 58!! lol
I’ll eat an extra piece of some fabulously over-sugared Southern dessert for you on Sunday. You do something extra for me that you love. LOL
It’s a deal! 😉
Helen´s last blog post..An Interview with My Napo Tarot Deck
So… I think the tower was dead on accurate this month. Changing jobs into a new industry that’s new and scary. Moving from what’s known into unknown… I think it fits!
Shana-Marie´s last blog post..panic at the tower!