Tarot For Writers: Hero’s Journey (Spring 2009)

Join Arwen for an intensive, online workshop. Meet your characters as you have never met them before. Learn about their quirks and let your journey through the cards introduce you to their own past. Writer’s Block will never be a problem again with the Tarot cards to give you insight.

Let Arwen show you a new way to approach your writing. Hang on to your manuscripts as she unleashes the power of Tarot for you. In an online workshop, you will learn how to utilize the Tarot for yourself on a personal level. Meet your characters as you have never met them before. Learn about their quirks and let your journey through the cards introduce you to their own past. Writer’s Block will never be a problem again with the Tarot cards to give you insight.

• I’m so grateful for that class–you can’t imagine how indispensable the Hero’s Journey spread has been for me. It’s given me some amazing breakthroughs, and it was instrumental in writing my last outline for a proposal. It’s almost eerie when I look back and think, wow, if I hadn’t pulled that card, the novel might have taken an entirely different turn.–Jeri Smith-Ready

What can you expect from this class?

  • • This will be an online class.
  • • Start Saturday February 28th
  • • Finish Sunday March 29th
  • • Learn key words/phrases for the all cards
  • • To have a completed plot by the end of the month if you do all the lessons
  • • An active teacher who will answer your questions and encourage you.
    • I won’t just download lectures and leave you hanging
  • • A very tight schedule guaranteed to open your imagination

•  I’m totally jazzed about writing this story now. Thank you! I’ve told everyone how awesome this experience was!” — Tess Harrison

What do you need for this class?

A deck of Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot cards or a suitable clone

  • • Daily Internet access
  • • Time to do one lesson per two days
  • • An open mind
  • • A willingness to work with others
  • • A willingness to ask questions

What would be nice to have?

* Tarot For Yourself, by Mary K. Greer

• Well, I have to admit I was a bit skeptical…I’d never had a reading of any kind before. You hit it very close and gave me a couple of other things to rethink. I’m trying to decide which reading to have you do next! Thank you so much!– Lori C

    Is there a cost for this?

  • • $50 if you sign up by February 22nd
  • • $55 by February 28th
  • • Limited spaces

How do I sign up?

Paypal is preferred. For other options, please email Arwen.

Sign Up Options

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

For more information, please contact me.

Class size is limited to ensure quality of response and interaction.

Last day to sign up is Friday February 27th

• I’m definitely going to be using Arwen’s services again, and you guys should go check her out and see what she has available.  VERY helpful for this pantser extraordinaire. — Fae Sutherland

arwen_reader_logoInstructor Bio: Arwen has been reading the Tarot since 1979 and began reading professionally in 1982. She has taught workshops on Tarot for the professional fiction writer as well as “How To Create Your Own Spread” and “Learning To Read Intuitively”.
Intrigued by the various ways artists express the archetypes of the Tarot, Arwen subscribes to the Jungian model of philosophy in her reading. Currently she is engaged in writing a series on fairy tales and spreads that examine the underlying ideals found in fairy tales.

Arwen is also past editor of the ATA Quarterly journal. Her column, The Fool’s Corner, was in the now defunct Tarot World magazine. She is published in fiction as Marilu Mann.


2 thoughts on “Tarot For Writers: Hero’s Journey (Spring 2009)”

  1. How many class sessions are in this series, how long is each session, and what format are the sessions in? (Do we read a lecture, download a video?)

    1. There are a total of 12 lectures with at least one bonus. I post on day 1 and responses come in along with my comments on those responses until day 3 when I post the next lecture.

      So there isn’t really a class session per se.

      It’s all done via an email loop so you get the lectures to read. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

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