Tarot In Nine Words: Justice

When I am doing readings for people and Justice shows up, I often counsel them to be very fair in any legal matters. No matter how much we want to be right, we are not always right. It’s important to remember that others have the same wants in their own lives.

rws_justiceJustice can be a harsh card if you know you are in the wrong. Sitting on his throne, he stares at you as if he knows every thing you’ve done right or wrong.

Libra is the sign associated with Justice. Consider how difficult it must be to balance things all the time. Is it our own panic that makes us see this card as bad?

When I am doing readings for people and Justice shows up, I often counsel them to be very fair in any legal matters. No matter how much we want to be right, we are not always right. It’s important to remember that others have the same wants in their own lives.

One thing that caught my attention in this card for this exercise were the pillars with the cloth stretched across them. Is that the secret chamber of Justice or is it the other side of the High Priestess’s throne? She sits between two pillars as well, doesn’t she? Who do you think sits behind Justice?

Tarot In Nine Words: Justice

Sword Crown Scales Pillars Gaze, Curtain Scarlet Innocent Throne

Caught between two pillars might and right
Scales balance in determined perfection
Pierce me with your gaze demand of me
Who sits behind that curtain whispering?
Is it she who rules from mystery’s veil?
Sword cuts the knots we tangle so well
Innocent or criminal we all bleed scarlet
Harsh stone unyielding beneath a crown
Do you rise from your throne to help
Will that peeking foot trip liars thieves
Who are you to sit in judgment of me
Who sits behind that curtain whispering?

Stephanie Arwen Lynch

To learn more about how and why I am doing this, explore these past poems in this series.

2 thoughts on “Tarot In Nine Words: Justice”

  1. Yes she does sit between two pillars like the HP but Waite tells us “In conclusion, the pillars of Justice open into one world and the pillars of the High Priestess into another’.

    So I don’t think this is the other side of the HP’s throne.
    Behind Justice we see a golden glow, could this perhaps represent another dawn, what then lies behind Justice’s veil?

    Perhaps what lies behind the veil is not another person, but the mysteries of the mental activity that Justice has to bring into play when she is trying to achieve an honest and balanced outcome.

    I guess when you consider Justice and the HP – Justice as 11 does break down to a 2 so they are connected, I see your point about it being the other side of the HP throne, Justice would seem to be the more conscious or down-to-earth side of the HP.

    Just some thoughts of this card.

    Helen´s last blog post..Weekly Walk in the World of Waite/Smith – The Emperor

  2. It is very interesting thing to comment… Last week I had to go to the police because of a stolen car. And I had the experience of having to identify the guy who assalted me… Before I went there, I got the Justice card in my hands and said, “please, help me to do the right thing so everything falls into its rightful place”.

    I did happen… I saw Justice made true.

    Pietra´s last blog post..Caminhos diferentes, mas semelhantes

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