Musing: Mystical Lenormand Exploration

The Dog (18)
The Dog (18)

I have been fascinated with the Lenormand decks for a while now. I first got intrigued by a fellow blogger, Chanah, who did a reading for me. The reading was accurate as well as insightful. I then saw on PhoenixOracle’s blog the Mystical Lenormand deck and fell utterly in love. I saw this deck on a few other sites as well. I’ve been keeping an eye out for it as it is OOP (out of print). I ran across a site that had this deck listed for a very low price. I immediately bought two decks.

When I got the two (incredibly fast shipping by the way), I put one on my shelf but unwrapped the other. I’ve been doing readings with it since. I did the “Meet Your Deck” spread that I learned on Aeclectic Tarot. The answers were intriguing.

Today this deck made me laugh out loud. I was sitting in my car at lunch working with them when I realized I’d lost my pen. Not just any pen, mind you, but the one I got with my LE Touchstone Tarot so I was pretty excited about finding it. I pulled a card asking where my pen was.


Now I absolutely knew this was one of those frivolous questions that I steer my clients away from. I got the Scythe. One of the phrases used to describe this card was “something will happen suddenly” which I didn’t understand until five minutes later. I was getting ready to go back inside to work. I shifted and my pen fell from my side to the car seat–startling me.

When I revisited the card, I saw that the scythe is perched rather precariously upon the pile of hay. Hay is a very shifty substance as you know if you’ve ever gone on a hay ride or tried to bale it. I think this was a very literal card. It was my shifty hair in the car. 🙂

I must have tucked it in my hair (normal for me) and it slipped out (also normal…I have very thick curly hair and this happens with alarming frequency). So when it fell it was very sudden. 🙂 I took this as a yes from the Lenormand.

I will keep exploring this deck. I am thinking that I will use this deck as my clarifying cards in my normal readings. Look to hear more from me as I delve more deeply into the Mystical Lenormand cards.

3 thoughts on “Musing: Mystical Lenormand Exploration”

  1. What a wonderful deck! It is indeed listed as OOP on and, but I was able to find a website where they had one left, with shipping to the Netherlands only 10 euros total for me :). Perhaps the same site you found it on lol. I also found a site with a french version but my french is a little rusty :).

    I also have trouble connecting with Lenormand decks usually, I have several but have given up on all of them. Let’s see how it will go with this one 🙂

  2. Hi Lorielle,

    I too have a few Mystical lenormand decks, I can actually purchase lenormand decks directly from publishers AGMuller. I found when I was searching for decks to purchase for the workshop it was quite difficult. AGMuller were looking for a rep in New Zealand, so here I am!!


    Phoenix Rising´s last blog post..Another daily draw 27/11/08

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