Other Blogs: 78 Friends

Where can you find 78 friends to talk with about Tarot? Why would you even want 78 friends to talk to about Tarot when you have me? I mean really, y’all! Am I not enough?

Grin, okay. Okay! Today’s blog is not a blog. It’s a unique interactive reading site where you can do your own three card readings and then have others comment on them. It’s like no other site I’ve found in that you do a computer-generated reading. Then you can study and make your own notes.

One of the things that makes this site stand out from other computer-generated siteshappens when you toggle the box that says “share publicly”. When you do that, all those who are members of 78Friends can throw in their own words of wisdom.

The site uses a deck created by Kat Black who also owns and operates the site in question. So not only do you get the benefit of live folks reading your cards with you, you can also see this truly scrumptious deck in action.

You will find me there under the highly creative user name “TarotByArwen”. I know, I know… I shouldn’t be so edgy and different with my user name. I mean how will people know it’s me, right?

Here are some snippets from recent public readings. Remember that if you don’t toggle your reading public, no one will see it but you.  This reading asked “What effect did that e-mail have on X?”. The original querant shared:

I’m stumped… the past is quite clear, since X is quite the argumentative type. The Ace of Wands, even though suggesting a spark, or essence of fire, shows a lady with a look of suspicion hmmmm. As to the future, I guess it call for some stability but since the e-mail didn’t relate to money, I guess some of it may relate to making sure things don’t fall out of control (4). I would love some input on this one!

Check the other answers given. When I was writing this blog, my answer was the only one but generally you will get anywhere from 2-10 responses. Often a dialogue will generate in these readings with people coming back to tell you the end results.

From one of my own readings, you can see some of the back-and-forth on my question “Will my presidential choice win the 2008 elections?” The cards were worrisome for me. Now I did not mention who I was voting for specifically so I did not sway the comments. I find that you need to give some feedback but don’t give the question away fully.

Here is that reading if you would like to see what was said.

I highly recommend this site. You can register for free and are given 100 ducats at the start. These ducats will get you two readings. Then if you like it, you can gain ducats by logging in, commenting or the old-fashioned way–purchasing them.

A true bonus is the Deck page where you can click on various images of the Touchstone Tarot to gain more insight into the card as well as the creator. Kat Black has definitely delivered something special to the Tarot community.

And if you haven’t gotten the limited edition Touchstone Tarot, I’ve heard that there are less than 20 decks remaining. So hurry! Otherwise you can pre-order it from Amazon here for an impressive 30% discount.

Now when you go sign up (it’s free, remember), fill out your profile. Ask a question of the cards. Share your thoughts with others. The more you participate; the more you will get out of this fabulous interactive site.


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