Tarot In Nine Words: The Lovers

Oddly enough this was a difficult poem for me to write. At 47 I hold some rather cynical views on what love is and isn’t. Sometimes I have to rein myself in when I am in a Piscean fit of “love HA!”. My friends laughingly tell me I seem to do better at bitter in love poetry.

But write a poem I must and this is the next on the list of the 22 Major Arcana which means it is my 7th poem in this project. So I am either a third of the way there or a tenth of the way. I still haven’t decided if I will do the entire seventy-eight cards.  What do you think?

Angel Snake Spirit Burn Naked Scarlet Wings Divine Sun

VI: The Lovers

Two of us standing before heaven
You look up yet I seek only you
Spirits guide us Snake divides us
I will forever be naked AdamThe Lovers
To your eternally tempted Eve
What makes you turn from my love
The truth of me burns for you
Scarlet purple angel guiding
Turn to me as I turn to you.
Shall I look to the angel for love
Scarlet wings for crimson heart
Divine intervention thee and I
Do I need to cast myself naked
Before the sun burning for you
Will you not look away to me
Will you not reach out for me

6 thoughts on “Tarot In Nine Words: The Lovers”

  1. .. coming from a similar viewpoint on the “L” word.. I can say what a great poem.

    I must say – I totally dig what you are doing with this project. When it is complete, you should seriously seek to have it published. It would be a great addition to anyone’s tool chest.

    And – AND – I love the new tarot deck. Fabulous.

  2. That was a really beautiful poem. As I read the poem I looked at the picture back a forth and felt that I was the one writing it. Thanks a lot for that experience.

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