Tarotscopes Week of 11/9 – 11/ 15

I do a weekly tarotscope over at Twitter @ tarotscopes. If you are on Twitter, I invite you to follow along!

Twitter is a type of microblogging. I only have 140 characters (that’s characters including spaces and not words) to deliver the cards meaning.

So here is some of the short hand you will encounter:

Kn=Knight, Pg=Page,Wnds=Wands,Cps=Cups Cns=Coins, Sw=Swords Wnds=Wands

9 of Wands
9 of Wands

Sag 9Wnds Passion coming at you fast & hard. May feel like too much. Everyone wants a piece of you right now. Stand firm and choose well.


Sco Heirophant You may have to be the taskmaster this wk. Be careful not to be overbearing. Rules will be VERY important. Rule with kindness


Aq Mag Yr wk to shine! Some juggling required but you have all the tools. Creativity really counts so forget the box and let your self go!

9 of Wands
9 of Wands

Cap 8Swr Negotiate yr journey carefully. Avoid victim mentality. Path is difficult but end is very close. Look for help from unlikely folks.

Seeker (Knight) of Wands
Seeker (Knight) of Wands

Ari KnWnd Careless person could make things rough this wk. Guidance is needed but is that really YOUR job? Only if you are the 1 needing it.


Pic Moon Watch mood swings this week. Let the wild out more. Stop deceiving yrself! Look w/i for the right answers. Talk to the moon more.

Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups

Gem 1Cps Good week for love. Deepen existing relationships. Look for love in strange places. Unexpected happiness coming your way I think.

Seeker (Knight) of Swords
Seeker (Knight) of Swords

Tau KnSwr Choose battles wisely. You can’t stop the oncoming storm. Need allies. Build committee this week. Be firm. Be passionate. Be you.

7 of Cups
7 of Cups

Leo 7Cps Daydream a little. Imagine yr possibilities. Take time to see all paths then pick the one you like best. This week is for dreams.


Can Uni DANCE! Opportunity abounds this week. Relax & let it come yr way. Leo/Tau figure heavily as helpers. You can create this new world.

Seer Of Cups
Seer Of Cups

Lib PgCps Love letters coming or need to be written. Remember everyone in our lives deserves love. Yr intuition is very strong so listen!

7 of Swords
7 of Swords

Vir 7Sw Careful this week. Don’t want anything stolen. Time needs to be managed carefully. Don’t let anxiety steal from you either, okay?

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