Suns and Best Friends

GypsyPalace_19SunToday’s card caused me to giggle uncontrollably. Why? It’s a language thing. The Sun is a card of energy and movement. It’s about health and life and home and happiness. It’s one of my birth cards.

Here, in the richly colored Gypsy Palace Tarot, the name is translated into English, German, Spanish and Hungarian. In Hungarian, this vibrantly alive card is “A Nap.”

Awww, c’mon! That’s funny. πŸ˜€ If you find words amusing, and I do. πŸ˜€

But look at this woman? She braids her hair from the very energy of the sun. She is a barefoot deva channeling the brilliance and beauty of the card. I love her frank stare and that little crooked “I know how to push your buttons, baby” smirk. She wears a flower on her hip and an anklet of what might be wheat. It is the same thing that decorates her wrap. I just want to dance into this card to whirl around and around with her. Don’t you?

Have you ever met someone like that? Someone who engaged you, inspired you, made you laugh even though you might not have known why? Someone who just made you want to be the kind of person they would like?

I have. I’m blessed to still know that person too. Her name is Cai and she’s been my best friend since we were 16. At 51, I can tell you that we have weathered a lot of bumps. We’ve learned how to navigate life’s interesting “whoops” moments. I know I do it with more grace because of Cai.

Today isn’t her birthday. It isn’t the anniversary of our meeting (I don’t even know what that date is…sometime in June, I think.) It isn’t anything other than just another day in the year where I give thanks for the blessing that is my best friend, Cai. She inspires me.

Yeah, I love her. And I don’t even have to say “not that way, y’all” because it doesn’t matter. Love is love is love. I hope you have someone in your life like Cai. Someone who is your rock and lets you be their rock. Someone who is strong when you aren’t. Someone who doesn’t worry about what others will think.

I guess this is a love letter to my bestie. πŸ˜€ It isn’t the first. It won’t be the last. She’s one of a kind. I hope you have one of a kind too.

The Sun, Gypsy Palace Tarot, Nora Huszka

Go like her Facebook page, please. πŸ˜€

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

One thought on “Suns and Best Friends”

  1. Yay for besties! Your description made me think of my best friend over in Spain. I’m so happy I’m going over there to see her next week! That’s one of the troubles with moving around, we don’t always live as close as we’d like to some of the greatest people in our lives. Still, that joy is just a call away… πŸ™‚

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