Did I Need Permission?

Leonie_PermissionToday’s card isn’t a card. It’s a lovely quote image from Leonie Dawson.

If you’ve been paying attention, you know I have a mad business girl crush on the fabulous Aussie mum and heart-led entrepreneur, Leonie Dawson. She’s made a difference in my life and I’ve never even met her. How crazy is that?

She wrote this amazing thing called You Have Permission. You can get a free download of it by signing up for her free goodies

It was enlightening for me. No, more than that, it was lightening. It freed me. It released some things I didn’t even realize I was holding on to. I want you to have that gift too.

Today is a short post because I want you to head over, sign up for the goodies and then your journal prompt for today is,

“What did I need permission for?”

Leonie Dawson poster, Leonie Dawson

#Seekjoy, y’all. Pass it on.

One thought on “Did I Need Permission?”

  1. Ha, the “you have permission to not spend time around people who don’t believe in you” really spoke to me. I think I’m giving myself that permission more these days… That’s a tough one for me, with all the stuff about “you must network”, “you must be seen in the places where your market is” etc. She’s sure right, I must first nurture myself!
    Hope you’re nurturing yourself, Arwen 🙂

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