Tarotscopes July 28 – August 3, 2013


  • AQUARUIS TWO OF PENTACLES Partnership favored. Brilliant growth possible when you join with others who are heading down the same path. Balance=growth!
  • PISCES KING OF PENTACLES Connect w/ community in deeper ways. Spiritual leadership may be required. Accept but only for those you call family.
  • ARIES WHEEL OF FORTUNE Riddle me this. Why not go for what you want? Why not lean out and grab? Opportunity knocks. Answer the danged door!
  • TAURUS PAGE OF PENTACLES Job offer possible. Growth inevitable. Seeker? Put out more resumes. Belief in your own power is the key. Confidence!
  • GEMINI SUN So much attention on you this week. Shine like a diamond, baby. You have backing from your Higher Self so make it happen.
  • CANCER EIGHT OF SWORDS Careful you don’t cut yourself on those thoughts. Many “poor me” attitudes are from self-inflicted wounds. Release that negativity.
  • LEO QUEEN OF CUPS Spread your love. Share your happy. Others need to know it’s possible. You are their confidant this week. Nurture please.
  • VIRGO LOVERS Good week to indulge in the company of the one who makes your spirit glow. Open up on a spiritual level to really connect.
  • LIBRA Judgment Learn from past mistakes. Don’t blame. Grow. Time to rise to the next level. Old crap is just old. Move up and one.
  • SCORPIO TEN OF CUPS Gather with those you love. Indulge in celebrations of the heart. Connections this week will carry you forward. Reach out.
  • SAGITTARIUS KNIGHT OF CUPS Sometimes your emotions lead you astray. Please watch that this week. Not a good time to be a heart wanderer. You could be hurt.
  • CAPRICORN THREE OF SWORDS Emotional encounters could be murky, dangerous. Don’t venture into unfamiliar territory. Stay on safe ground with loved ones.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot, Lisa Hunt, U.S. Games Systems

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