Tarotscopes for July 7-July 13, 2013

  • AQUARIUS SEVEN OF SWORDS When you tell your best thoughts, someone else may act on them. Silence is best just now. Don’t steal from others either.
  • PISCES Letting Go (HANGED MAN) Feeling stuck? Feeling trapped? Let go. Just let go. Why do you hold on to the anchors still? LET THEM GO.
  • ARIES EIGHT OF PENTACLES Learn something new. Teach something old. Physical movement best. Yoga? Qi Gong? Tapping your toes? Connect to the body.

Found a straightforward guide for everyday mystics, healers + creatives! Start with the Credo. It’s amazing.

  • TAURUS TWO OF SWORDS Decision has to be made, yes, but it must also be KEPT. Mental clarity should be followed by dedication to action NOW.
  • GEMINI SIX OF CUPS Old friends, old dreams, old loves–good time to reminisce (or revisit old lessons). Don’t be locked into past though.
  • CANCER SIX OF WANDS Suit up. you can win but it will take intense focus. Narrow your scope. Celebrate AFTER. Early cheers will give u away.
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Today’s deck is the Rainbow Travellers Tarot by Carmen Waterman. Digitally rendered art that really speaks to me.

  • LEO NINE OF PENTACLES Good wk to review your bounty. Focus on what’s at hand rather than what hasn’t arrived. you’ve done good, kid.
  • VIR SEVEN OF PENTACLES Big goals need solid plans. Each piece needs to be addressed. Start now for huge success. Hard work really will pay off.
  • LIBRA HEALER CUPS (Q) Offer what you have. If they take it/don’t take it, good. you made the offer. That’s all you can do. Healing is on them.

Love Fairy tales? Love Tarot? !

  • SCORPIO ACE OF PENTACLES Power up, baby. New job? New business? New start! Take the podium. Speak up. Make things happen. you have the power.
  • SAGITTARIUS FIVE OF WANDS Competition isn’t always bad. Check to see if your biggest competitor is you. Are you your own detractor? KNOCK IT OFF. 🙂
  • CAPRICORN FOUR OF PENTACLES Being over-focused on where $ comes from stops your flow. When you face the source, you get in the way. $ needs to move to grow.

This course changed how I see my business. I saw a . No lie. #Seekjoy y’all! Pass this on.

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