Today’s card is from a deck that has taken me some getting used to. This is routinely the most popular deck in many Tarot groups. It reminds me that for my projects to take root and to flourish, I have to put myself into them.
Traditionally the Three of Wands shows a figure watching three ships in a harbor. But Patrick Valenza shows his Deviant Moon character attached literally at the umbilical cord. She contemplates the three growing things with a serious demeanor. I see the fierce, almost grotesque, fish cape as being her emotional protectiveness of these tender plants. The moon lends a breath, a light, a glow? highlighting the intention.
As a witch, I know that what spells I cast, I tie myself in to. It is for that reason that I rarely do bindings etc. If I dislike a person enough to bind them away from myself, the very act of engaging on that energetic level ties me to them. So it’s rare for me to do that type of magic. I prefer the magic of ignoring them–what I think of as Arwen’s Not-So-Amish Shunning. I shut them out.
I’ve learned that will wither the connection faster than any binding or mirror box. I don’t read them. I don’t listen to them. I don’t “run by their Facebook page just to see if they are talking about me.” None of that. Period.
For me, I’d rather put my energy into projects that bring joy and growth to my world.
Simply put….ain’t nobody got time for that. 😀
What about you? Are there people and projects you could be shunning (really shunning not talk about it all the time shunning, lol)? Are there people and projects you could be giving your energy to that will give back?
I’m going to challenge you to take three minutes today. That’s right…180 seconds. Think about someone who drains you. Someone you’ve tried to let go of.
Now let go. Replace that thought with something affirming. Move on, darlings.
What will you let go of today?
Three of Wands, Deviant Moon Tarot, U.S. Games, 2008
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
To answer the question in the headline; If I had the need I would. I don’t limit myself my any of the Wiccan laws, since I’m not Wiccan. Should I need to defend myself or my family, I would do so.