These tarotscopes are for Sunday June 16 through Saturday June 22, 2013.
Have a great week and remember!
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!
- AQUARIUS Ten of Pentacles Money needed is easily found. Give thanks for what you have. Blessing abundance creates room for more. Don’t fret.
- PISCES World Something big is at hand. That scary leap you took? It’s going to pay off. The world at your fingertips. Palm open. Receive well.
- ARIES Four of Cups Don’t let bitterness fill your cup. Allow joy. Understand what’s gone only makes room for what you truly need. Stay open.
- TAURUS Seven of Cups Let yourself dream. It’s ok. Your heart can show you a new way of being. Good week to let go of some control issues. Yeah you.
- GEMINI Three of Swords Decisions can seem painful. Sometimes you have to cut away what doesn’t work. Sometimes you have to have that done for you.
- CANCER Three of Wands You’ve done the work. Where’s the reward? Sometimes it doesn’t come on your schedule. So go get it. No sense waiting.
- LEO Mentor(King) of Cups Master your emotions. That will take you further than any other. Find someone who already does this. Ask them to teach you.
- VIRGO Hermit To follow your goal, you need to strip away the extras. Get focused on your journey. Going inward serves best. Time to study.
- LIBRA Protector(Knight) of Pentacles Money comes. Be patient. Don’t spend fast. Your skills are worth it so don’t undersell yourself. Focus on the forward path.
- SCORPIO Hierophant Key to knowledge is following the rules. Stay within the lines *for now*. Spiritual teacher is available. Ask them.
- SAGITTARIUS Nine of Wands Your passion may be called into question. Show them how you can put your personal fire to use to generate results. Flame on.
- CAPRICORN Four of Wands Everyone wants a piece of you. You just need peace. Retreat for a bit so you can rejuvenate. Inner fire may need more wood.
Did you know that June’s free reading has gone unclaimed? Is it your name that I pulled?
Cards are from The Rainbow Traveller Tarot by Carmen Waterman.