Who Worries You?

three-fireToday’s card reminds me of a quote by Kempis. “Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise not blame.” Sometimes I worry that others won’t like me. I worry that they will like me and I won’t live up to the hype. The others really can’t win for losing with an attitude like that. I give them so much power in my life.

Yesterday during a consultation, I asked my client who paid their bills, fed their children, kept a roof of their family’s heads. of course the answer was that my client was in charge of all that. When I asked them why they worried so much about what others cared?

They couldn’t answer me.

I told them, and I’m telling you and me, that until these “others” are responsible for my safety, shelter and sustenance, THEN we should worry about them. I won’t look at myself in the mirror and question myself in their name.

Today’s affirmation:

I live today for me. I put my own hopes and joys first. I do breathe for myself. I set my feet on the ground knowing that I am capable. I breathe confidence in and mirror questions out. I acknowledge how much I have done to this date. I will get more done because I am capable. I am a beautiful human with a loving heart who is loved by beautiful humans. And that is enough. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Six of Fire, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

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