This unusual rendition of the Fool reminds me that blank spaces are not for the timid. An eagle flies with planets behind her and what might be steps or books beneath. This is from the Londa Marks Crow’s Magick Tarot.
How often do we try to fill in the blanks?
You are having a conversation and the other person pauses to gather their thoughts. You leap in to say what you think they are going to say.
This is one of my personal worst flaws. I do it a lot.
You are looking at a picture you have drawn. You start filling in the spaces until everything touches.
You are sitting in a room with nothing on. You turn on the radio, the television–sometimes both.
We can’t have spaces in our life. We can’t have silence. Blank area must be filled up with things.
What is it that drives us to fill it all up?
Consider this empty eagle flying off. Daring you to fill it or daring you to empty your own clutter and just be empty for a bit?
Your 180 second challenge today is to spend three minutes in silence. No sound. No music. No nothing. Just 180 seconds of silence.
Can you do it?
Fool, Crow’s Magick Tarot [aff]
With me, another person pauses to gather their thoughts and I say their words in my head before they say them (my intuition); that is called being “in tune” with them.
…and here my intuition is off…”You are sitting in a room with nothing on.” Oops! Thought you were talking about one’s birthday suit! Had a good laugh here Arwen!
In the past I was afraid of that silence for some reason, always felt I needed to fill it up with something. Now I enjoy the silence and I am able to “listen” to what I need to hear. My insights come through by embracing the silence.
Ha, I’m with Kim, I thought you were talking about sitting around in your birthday suit 🙂 As for the challenge, that’s a tough one for me. Even with meditations, I tend to go for the “keep you so busy with focusing on something that you’re mind doesn’t chatter away” (such as mantras or visualisations), rather than the total silence. Okay, okay, I’ll give it a go… 😀