Tarotscopes for 11/25-12/1/2012

Join me in manifesting your best year ever! Create an incredible year with me.

Today’s deck is the Joie de Vivre Tarot from U.S. Games Systems Inc, 2012. Whimsical characters share their worldview with you. Seek Joy y’all. Pass it on.

  • AQ 1Cns Creativity pays off. U can seed new projects. Grow new avenues of income. This is small starts w huge potential.
  • PIC 10S Lift the veil. Put yr mind back on track. Examine what U accept as true. Is it? Slow, steady practices save the day.
  • ARI Dev Be yr own puppet. Don’t dance to someone else’s tune. What are U really working for? And who? Cut those strings.
  • TAU 3Sw So many things are in front of U. Wasting time on what’s lost? If you release that pain, U make room for joy.
  • GEM 2Cps Being intertwined w someone isn’t bad as long as U know where yr own legs are. Share joy. Share love. Accept them.
  • CAN Herm Time to make yr own way. Home emphasized. Ok if U want to go within this wk. U can find yr own way. Follow yr own star.
  • LEO 4Cps That lonely feeling? GET OUT OF YR HEAD. Open up. Tell others. Share yr sad to find yr joy. Shutting them out won’t help.
  • VIR KgCps Mature emotional expression required if U want to grow. Rule yr emotional self. Compassion towards self necessary.
  • LIB Lov Partnership. Balance. Working as a team. Another day in paradise? If U stay focused on the other. Less me-me. More them.
  • SCO KgWnd Passion rules this wk. Let yr inner RAWR out. Lead w yr amazing heart. Leave fear behind as U forge new bonds.
  • SAG 1WND Set yr goals high. What U put out comes back, so make sure it’s joy-filled. Attitude is everything this wk.
  • CAP Chariot Forward motion may seem like U are in a runaway stagecoach but remember. U hold the reins. U are in charge.

Join me in manifesting your best year ever!  Create an incredible year with me.  This is the best investment I’ve EVER made.

Thanks for sharing these scopes via Twitter or Facebook or Pinterest. It brings me a lot of joy to know you like them enough to share. (Sally Fields moment…you like me, you really like me. Grin!)

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

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