Other Blogs: Lunea Weatherstone’s Blogue: At Brigid’s Forge

Queen Of Earth Full Moon Tarot Lunaea Weatherstone
Lunaea Weatherstone doesn’t have a blog. She has a blogue. I’ll let her explain:

Why is this a blogue, not a blog? It’s just an old-fashioned touch that harkens back to less-hurried (and harried) times, when a letter took a while to get delivered, and a reply took a while longer. When books were savored for their precious rarity. When news came in slowly for the most part and could be thoughtfully considered. A rapid-fire flow of constant info-junk tends to make me twitchy. When you visit my blogue, I invite you to take a nice deep breath, absorb things a little at a time, wander in a serendipitous fashion, and generally remember that even in the ultra-speedy world of the Internet, you control the pace of your life.

And this is a lovely introduction to a fabulous spot on the Internet. Lunaea shares many things other than Tarot which I just adore. I always feel like I’ve found a quiet spot to relax in just for a bit. Hmm, I guess she’s succeeded in her “less hurried” attempt, hasn’t she?

She is an artist and an author. You will find entries such as her June 2008 entry about her Full Moon Tarot. The image there of the Queen of Earth grabbed me. I liked the full rich flavor of the background and the elderly strong woman as the central figure. There is almost a tapestry effect from the background that reminds me of how connected the Queen must be to what feeds her and her loved ones. Lunaea used Tasha Tudor as the Queen of Earth. Isn’t that perfect?

You can find spreads as well. There’s a great one she shared October 16, 2007 for Samhain (aka Hallowe’en) called the Forbidding Foyer. The first position:

1. The Forbidding Foyer: What has been trying to enter your life (for good or ill) that you have been warding off?

The spread is very introspective which is my favorite kind of spread!

Now a recent post on August 20, 2008 was Lunaea musing on foxy thinking vs hedgehog thinking. I can’t tell you too much without giving it away. Just read it! I know you will get something from it.

And that’s how Lunaea’s blogue hits me. I always come away with something. Even when she’s sharing about irritating the entire state of South Carolina even though it wasn’t her fault. Really!

I hope you will take a moment to breathe and visit Lunaea’s Blogue: At Brigid’s Forge. And tell her I sent you. grin!

Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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