Imbolc Awakening the heart

7 of Pentacles, (c) Arwen Lynch

Our blog hop wrangler, Joy Vernon, tasked us with this theme:

“…the still point of the center of the fixed stimulates germination and the awakening of the heart.”

I thought about it a long while. Thought I had a blog idea after someone attacked all Tarotists as abominations, but then I decided not to give that crazy any more space in my head.

I thought I might blog about saving a dog only to have to release it to animal control to be euthanizes. I opted to not burden you all with that sorrow.

Then last night just as I was going to bed, I realized what I wanted to share with you. My muse gifted me with a spread for you. I will do a reading for myself via video (below). Here is the spread.

Germination Spread

Seed: This card represents something you want. You can choose it intentionally by going through the deck until you see/feel/sense/know the card you need. Or you can draw it at random.

Soil: This card represents what surrounds your SEED. It is what supports this need of yours, this want. It is the nutrient-rich darkness that all ideas/dreams/whispers must exist in as it begins to burgeon with all your expectations and hopes.IMG_2016

Water: This card represents what you will have to do to bring your SEED to life. Here is your sweat, your salty tear, your moistened mouth as you wet your lips while you hunger for this SEED to burst forth into the light.

Sun: This card represents your heart, your heat, your very spirit. This is the warmth of your love, the heat of your desire, the brilliant inferno of lust for this SEED you have planted.

Time: This card represents what you will do while you wait. Waiting is a part of all things in life–especially growth. We cannot force things into being. We cannot reach beneath the soil to firmly yank the small green sprout upwards. But while we wait for our SEED to grow, there are things that we can do.IMG_2015

I invite you to do your own germinating as you continue your hop through the kickoff of our fifth year of the Tarot Blog Hop. This started as a seed itself. A discussion on Facebook led me to asking a question that then led me to inviting others to join me on a group exploration of one question. You can see that here.

Here is me doing my own Germination reading. (don’t forget to come back to continue the hop, y’all.)

And please? Leave comments as you go. Share the posts that speak to you. We do this as a community for you and for ourselves. Comments tell us you were here. Sharing tells us we touched you on some level.

May your seeds grow. May you find the courage to weed out the ones that don’t have strong stems. May your year bring you all the joy you deserve.

zentangle_seekjoySeek joy, y’all. Pass it on.


Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

15 thoughts on “Imbolc Awakening the heart”

  1. Oh my! I enjoyed seeing your video, learning a little of the tarot blog hop history and hearing about your blue jays.

    I like that you mentioned cutting the deck. I like the idea of creating one stack for each of the positions.

    The Ace of Air? Oh wow! The Ace of Swords had been popping up everywhere for me a few weeks ago.

    Surrounding your project with Silence sounds lovely. Your reaction was magic!

    Rebirth is perfect for water and the Four of Cups for Sun is lovely, too.

    Ha ha ha! The Time position being the Page of Earth. Classic.

    This is a great spread — best of luck with ALL your projects.

    Thanks for the read.

    Beautiful deck!

  2. Thanks for the spread! and double thanks for sparing us of the dog tale… (though to be honest… I think I would have quite enjoyed the attack in taroists abominations… it wasn’t my Dad was it?! 😀 )

  3. What a fabulous spread! I couldn’t decide if I should do it first or comment first, but I decided to comment and then do it. And I like your video–a nice way to showcase the reading. I like that deck! I know I thank you almost every time, but THANK YOU for starting the TarotBlogHop! It has helped me so much as a writer and I love the wonderful people in this community!

  4. Love this spread 🙂 Pinning it to my “Tarot Spreads to Try” page! Thank you for starting this hop. I love participating and reading everyone’s contributions.

  5. What a great spread, Arwen! I really like this, especially the Time position – what to do while we wait. Something I really need to take on board. Thanks too for the Blog Hop. I’m sorry I missed it this time around but I’m so happy to be a part of your creation.

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