2013 Tarot Blog Hop: Yule

Come read what 20+ Tarot bloggers have to say about turning darkness into light. Yes, it’s the 2013 Tarot Blog Hop: Yule edition.

Holly Leaves by Arwen

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Holly Leaves by ArwenHey y’all! Welcome to one of the things I am most proud of. In 2012, a discussion was under way about something in the Tarot world. It wasn’t a good something but it got some of us to think about ways to build our community rather than tear it down. I came up with the idea of a Tarot Blog Hop. On 2/2/12 we had our first one.

Every six weeks since then, we’ve come together to blog on one topic or question presented to us by whomever was crazy enough to volunteer to wrangle that particular hop. For this Yule, our wrangler is Joanna Ash who asked us to blog on the topic of “Darkness Turning To Light” because this is the shortest day of the year.

It is also the beginning of the journey back to longer days. Increment by increment, the sun will be here longer in my hemisphere while it retreats in the Southern hemisphere. I happen to love Fall and Winter. They are my fave seasons because it is a cessation of the heat. I actually prefer the chill in the air that December carries to the sizzle of July. But the Wheel must turn. The Wheel must turn.

Think of what it would be like if the seasons never changed, the days never passed. We would never have any method to mark our age, our growth. We would be utterly unchanged. That’s the stuff of nightmares for me. But we are turning back to the light now.

The Holly King and the Oak King must fight their battle, trade their swords and crowns. One must go back while the other steps forth. It’s one of the few things where I will agree that “it’s the way it’s always been”. And I’m happy for that constancy.Oak Branches by Arwen

Oak rules the growing months from 12-21 to 6-21. Holly takes over the dark side. Let’s take a moment to explore what needs to step forward this growing time and what needs to step back.

This is a very simple three card spread.

Oak And Holly Spread

1. SUN: What area has opportunities for fast growth? Here is the place in your life that you can focus on to get the most bang for your buck. A little goes a long way in the SUN area since the momentum is already towards increase.

2. HOLLY: What area needs to be pruned and put out of the light to lie dormant? Let this card show you something that may benefit from a bit of benign neglect. You can afford to let this area be ignored for now. It doesn’t require as much attention.

3. OAK: What area needs to be nurtured and pulled into the light to grow? Here is where you need to get busy. This area could use some elbow grease and a good helping of plant food to grow. Let this carry you into the next few months.

I did this spread using Ellen Lorenzi-Price’s Dark Goddess Tarot. I’ll post my results on Monday 12/23/13.

I hope you will also share yours with me. I love to see them.

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11 thoughts on “2013 Tarot Blog Hop: Yule”

  1. Nice, I love this spread, Arwen, and have now copied it into my notebook. I’ve never thought about the relationship between the dates of the solstice’s, it’s nice that you included that ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love this spread! It is so helpful to include a position for what can be set aside or ignored at this time, when everyone is so busy. Great guidance! Thank you, Arwen!

  3. I think I was mad enough to volunteer to be wrangler for this one..haha! Love the spread. Am trying it on one of my clients tomorrow as one of the spreads as she’s asked for a 2014 outlook:)

  4. Excellent perspective with this tree-card spread, Arwen. I got Ace of Wands/Three of Cups/Knight of Wands. Feel like pruning my social networks and focusing on creative activities like my new knitting stuff and Tarot. Thanks!

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